January, 2025


Abraham, McKenna, Sheldrake. Trialogues at the Edge of the West. Bear & Co 1992.
Achterberg, Jeanne. Imagery in Healing. Shambhala, 2002.
Adriana, Konnertz, Thomas. Beuys. Barron's, 1979.
Archie Fire Lame Deer and Richard Erdoes. Gift of Power. Bear and Company, 1992.
Arendt, Hannah. Men in Dark Times.
Bataille, Georges. Eroticism, Death, and Sensuality. Walker & Co., 1962.
Bataille, Georges. The Accursed Share, volumes I, II, III. Zone, 1989.
Baudrillard, Jean. Transparency of Evil. Verso, 1993.
Benjamin, Walter. Understanding Brecht. Verso, 1996.
Bentov, Itzhak. Stalking the Wild Pendulum. Destiny, 1997.
Beuys, Joseph with Volker Harlan. What is Art? Clairview, 2004.
Blumenthal, Max. The Management of Savagery
Bourgeois, Louise. Destruction of the Father, Reconstruction of the Father. MIT, 1998.
Brennan, Barbara. Light Emerging. Bantam, 1993.
Brown, J.E. The Sacred Pipe. University of Oklahoma. 1953.
C.G. Jung. Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Princeton, 1959.
C.G. Jung. Memories, Dreams, and Reflections. Random House, 1989.
C.G. Jung. On Nature, Technology and Modern Life. North Atlantic, 2002.
Campbell, Joseph. The Mythic Image. Princeton, 1974.
Capra, Fritjof. Tao of Physics. Shambhala, 1975.
Chomsky, Noam. Notes on Resistance
Chomsky, Noam. Understanding Power
Chomsky, Noam. Failed States
Chomsky, Noam. Who Rules the World?
Chomsky and Herman, Manufacturing Consent
Chomsky and Waterstone, The Consequences of Capitalism
Clark, T.J. Farewell to an Idea
Clark, T.J. Heaven on Earth
Clark, T.J. Picasso and Truth
Clark, T.J. Image of the People, A Social History of Art
Clark, T.J. The Absolute Bourgeoise
Clark, T.J. If These Apples Should Fall
Cohen-Solal, Annie. Mark Rothko.
Cooke, Kelly editors. Joseph Beuys Arena. Dia, 1994.
de Duve, Thierry, Duchamp's Telegram.
De Sade, Marquis. The 120 Days of Sodom. Grove. 1966.
Descola, Philippe. Beyond Nature and Culture
Deloria, Vine, Jr. C.G. Jung and the Sioux Traditions. Spring Journal, 2009.
Duberman, Martin. Howard Zinn.
Eagleton, Terry. Holy Terror.
Eisler, Riane. The Chalice and the Blade. Harper, 1987.
Eliot, Alexander. The Global Myths. Meridian, 1993.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays & Lectures. The Library of America, 1983.
Erdoes, Richard. Crying for a Dream. Bear and Company. 1989.
F. Bruce Lamb. Wizard of the Upper Amazon. North Atlantic, 1971.
Federici, Silvi. Caliban and the Witch.
Feuerstein, Georg, translator. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. Inner Traditions, 1979.
Figes, Orlando.  A People's Tragedy, The Russian Revolution 1891-1924.
Fineberg, Jonathan. Art Since 1940. Prentice Hall, 2003.
Foucault, Michel. The Care of the Self. Random House, 1986.
Frascina, Francis. Art, Politics, and Dissent: Aspects of the Art Left in Sixties America.
Frascina, Francis ed. Pollock and After, The Critical Debate, 1985.
Ginsberg, Allen. Collected Poems 1947-1980. Harper & Row, 1984.
Giroux, Henry A. The Violence of Organized Forgetting. City Lights Books, 2014.
Goleman, D. The Meditative Mind. Putnam, 1988.
Graeber, David. Debt, The First 5,000 Years. Melville House, 2011.
Graeber, David. The Utopia of Rules. Melville House, 2015.
Graeber, David. Revolutions in Reverse. Minor Compositions.
Graeber, David. The Democracy Project. 2013
Graeber, David. Possibilities
Graves, Robert, translated from Latin. The Golden Ass by Apuleius. Noonday, 1951.
Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1986.
Griffin, Susan. Pornography and Silence. Harper and Row, 1981.
Griffin, Susan. The Eros of Everyday Life.
Grof, Stanislav M.D. PhD. Realms of the Human Unconscious. E.P. Dutton, 1967.
Grof, Stanislav M.D. PhD. When the Impossible Happens. Sounds True. 2006
Grof, Stanislav M.D. PhD. The Cosmic Game. State University of new York Press, 1998.
Halifax, Joan. Shaman. Thames & Hudson, 1982.
Halifax, Joan. Shamanic Voices. Penguin, 1991.
Halifax, Joan. Fruitful Darkness. Grove. 1993.
Hannah, Barbara.  The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals. 
Harner, Michael. Cave and Cosmos. North Atlantic, 2013
Harner, Michael. The Jivaro. University of California, 1972.
Harner, Michael. The Way of the Shaman. Harper, 1980.
Harrington, Michael. Socialism.
Hatenghdi, Chetananda. Nitya Sutras. Rudra Press, 1985.
Hay, Deborah. My Body, the Buddhist. Wesleyan University, 2000.
Hedges, Chris. Wages of Rebellion
Hedges, Chris. Death of the Liberal Class.
Hedges, Chris. Empire of Illusion.
Hedges, Chris. The Farewell Tour.
Herbert, N., Quantum Reality. Random House, 1985.
Hillman, James. City and Soul. Uniform Editions, 2006.
Hillman, James. Facing the Gods. Spring Publications, 1980.
Hillman, James. Pan and the Nightmare. Spring Publications, 1972.
Hixon, Lex. Great Swan, Meetings with Ramakrishna. Shambhala, 1992.
Huang, Al. Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain. Celestial Arts, 1973.
Hughes, Robert. The Shock of the New, 1980.
Hullot-Kentor, Robert. Things Beyond Resemblance, Collected Essays on Theodor Adorno
Hyde, Lewis. The Gift.
Jameson, Frederic. Marxism and Form
John Lame Deer, Richard Erdoes. Lame Deer Seeker of Visions. Simon & Schuster, 2009
Karagulla and van Gelder Kunz. The Chakras and Human Energy Fields. Quest, 1989.
Klein, Naomi. The Shock Doctrine
Kraus, Buchloh, Bois, Foster. Art Since 1900. Thames & Hudson, 2004.
Krens, Govan, Thompson. Refigured Painting, The German Image. Guggenheim, 1989.
Kropotkin, Peter. Memoirs of a Revolutionist.
Laing, R.D. The Politics of Experience. Pantheon, 1967.
Lazlo, Grof, Russell. The Consciousness Revolution. Elf Rock, 2003.
Lewis-Williams, David. The Mind in the Cave.
Lopez-Pedraza, Rafael. Cultural Anxiety. Daimon, 1990.
Mails, Thomas. Sundancing, the Great Sioux Piercing Ritual. Council Oaks, 1978.
Mayer, Jane. Dark Money. Doubleday, 2016.
McKenna, Terence. The Archaic Revival. Harper, 1991.
McKenna, Terence. Food of the Gods. Bantam, 1992.
McKenna, Terence. True Hallucinations.
McTaggart, Lynne. The Field. Harper, 2002.
Michaud. Aby Warburg and the Image in Motion. Zone, 2007.
Mookerjee, Ajit. Kali, The Feminine Force. Destiny Books. 1988.
Muktananda, Swami. Play of Consciousness. Harper & Row, 1978.
Neihardt, John. Black Elk Speaks. University of Nebraska. 1932.
Peiry, Lucienne. Art Brut. Flammarion, 2001.
Perkins, Psychonavigation. Destiny Books. 1990.
Perkins, Shapeshifting. Destiny, 1997.
Perl, Jed. New Art City
Pert, Candice. Molecules of Emotion. Scribner. 1997.
Pike and Muench. Anasazi, Ancient People of the Rock. Crown. 1974.
Pinchbeck, Daniel. Breaking Open the Head. Random House, 2002.
Prechtel. Secrets of the Talking Jaguar. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998.
Progoff, Ira. Jung's Psychology and its Social Meaning. Anchor, 1973.
Radin, Dean. Entangled Minds. Simon & Schuster. 2006.
Richardson, John. A Life of Picasso, three volumes. Knopf, 2007.
Romanyshyn, Robert. Technology as Symptom and Dream. Routledge, 1989.
Ross, Kristin. May '68 and its Afterlives. University of Chicago, 2002.
Ross, Kristin. Communal Luxury, The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune.
Rowland, Susan. C.G. Jung in the Humanities. Spring Journal, 2012.
Rowland, Susan, editor. Psyche and the Arts.
Roy, Arundhati. The Cost of Living. The Modern Library, 1999.
Rubin, W. editor. Primitivism in Twentieth Century Art. MOMA, 1984.
Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism
Samuels, Andrew. Politics on the Couch. Profile, 2001.
Samuels, Andrew. The Political Psyche. Routledge, 1993.
Saul, John Ralston. The Unconscious Civilization. The Free Press, 1995.
Scahill, Jeremy. Dirty Wars.
Schwartz, Gary. Energy Healing Experiments. Simon & Schuster. 2007.
Scranton, Roy. Learning to Die in the Anthropocene. City Lights, 2015.
Sennett, Richard. The Fall of Public Man. Norton, 1974.
Sheldrake, Rupert. The Science Delusion.
Sheldrake, McKenna, Abraham. The Evolutionary Mind.
Sheldrake, McKenna, Abraham. Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness.
Strassman, Rick, MD. DMT and the Soul of Prophecy.
Stokvis, Wllemijn. Cobra. 1991.
Storr, Robert. Intimate Geometries
Targ, Katra. Miracles of Mind. New World Library. 1998.
Tarnas, Richard. Cosmos and Psyche. Penguin, 2006.
Tarnas, Richard. Passion of the Western Mind. Ballantine, 1991.
Thurman, Robert. Inner Revolution. Riverhead Books, 1998.
Trungpa, Chogyam. Dharma Art. Shambhala, 1996.
Vernant, Vidal-Naquet. Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece. Zone, 1988.
Villoldo, Alberto. Shaman, Healer, Sage. Random House, 2000.
Villoldo, Krippner. Healing States. Simon & Schuster. 1986.
von Franz, Marie Louise. Alchemy. Inner City Books, 1980.
von Franz, Marie-Louise. Psyche and Matter. Shambhala, 1988.
Wangyal, Tenzin Rinpoche. Healing with Form, Energy, and Light. Snow Lion, 2002.
Wark, McKenzie. The Beach Beneath the Street.
Watts, Alan. Tao, The Watercourse Way. Pantheon, 1975.
Weil, Andrew M.D. The Natural Mind. Houghton Mifflin, 1972.
Weil, Andrew M.D.. The Marriage of Sun and Moon. Houghton Mifflin, 1980.
Wilhelm and Baynes translators. The I Ching. Princeton. 1950.
Wilhelm, translator. Secret of the Golden Flower. Harcourt Brace. 1931.
Zinn, Howard. Voices of a People's History of the U.S. Seven Stories Press, 2004.
Zohar and Marshall, Quantum Society. William Morrow, 1994.
Zohar, Danah. Quantum Self. William Morrow, 1990.